Under pressure from industry and pharmaco onslaught of the latest and supposedly best products, we are often in a dilemma whether we need to strengthen some of its food supplements that are offered to us. Clients often ask a questions, should they need to take supplement and which one. In this article we will deal with supplementation for recreational athletes and fitness enthusiasts, and their replacement through diet.


The most frequently mentioned supplements are: protein, creatine, L-carnitine, caffeine, glutamine, leucine, calcium, coenzyme Q10, iron, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil), vitamins (A, B1, B2, B5, B12, C, D, E, K), zinc …

We will describe their role individually and through the replacement foods:

Protein or whey is obtained by conversion of the milk into cheese. Whey proteins have the highest bioavailability (most effectively come to the parts of the body where they are needed). The amino acid composition of whey proteins is the most valuable in the sense that contain the highest branched chain amino acid (BCAA), as well as all of the essential amino acids. Whey is the richest source of BCAA (vitamins) that are metabolized in the muscle, and the most important in periods of training, but also in the recovery period. 3 x 55 g scoops = 9 chicken legs.

Creatine is a substance naturally produced by our body. The body produces about 2 g of creatine per day. The role is to promote the restoration of ATP (the main energy for working muscles), which means that his taking a prolonged time work. Creatine has in the red meat and fish.

L-carnitine is the best known role in the transfer of fatty acids across the cell membrane to the mitochondria where the fatty acid burning and used as an energy source. L-Carnitine helps to turn fat into energy. L-carnitine in the body is present in sufficient quantities, and entered into the body through food of animal origin.

Caffeine we have more processed in a given link CAFFEINE . 5 x 200 g in tablets = 13 espressos.

Glutamine is a nonessential amino acid, meaning that it is an organism capable of its own. Plays an important role in the metabolism, in the production of ammonia in the kidneys, the reproduction of glucose by the liver. 6 x 500 g in tablets = 88 raw leaves of spinach

Calcium by far is the most important role is in building bones (firmness) and teeth, especially in the course of growing up. Bone strength is very important in strength training and high muscle mass. 3 x 500 g tablets = 2.2 liters of milk

Omega-3 fatty acids must be supplied in the diet, because they are not producing organism. They are a major component of cell membranes, are essential for cell regeneration and reproduction, and hormones, which trigger all functions in the body, can not be produced without them. The richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids include fish, especially in cold seas and flaxseed oil.

Magnesium heart problems, headaches, high blood pressure, allergies, muscle tension, diabetes – all of these diseases are associated with a lack of magnesium. 1 x 250 mg in tablets = 32 raw of leaves spinach.

Iron is also an important part of the hemoglobin molecules which is located in red blood cells. In fact, if there is no iron, the bone marrow can not produce this, for the life of a very important substance, which carry oxygen to the farthest parts of the body. 1 x 15 g in the tablets = 3 blocks of Tofu (soy cheese).

Zinc is essential for maintaining a strong immune system, the body and stimulates the creation of white blood cells in the bone marrow. Eggs, Seafood, Crabs.

CoQ10 participates in the creation of energy in every cell of our body. It acts as a catalyst in the process of converting food into energy, which occurs in the mitochondria of cells. Lack of coenzyme Q10 can contribute poor diet, stress, infections, chronic disease, and certain medicines. 3 x 30 mg capsules = 100 grain berries.

Vitamins: A carrot, B1 lettuce, B2 Mushrooms, B5 Avocado, B12 Salmon, C (cabbage, pomegranate, pepper, lemon), D Shells, E Kivi, K Cabbage.

Ensure that the classical food satisfy all the daily required amounts of the respective supplements. If you need to complement the nutrition supplementation, which is sold in stores in the form of pills, ampoules, powder, consult your trainer or some expert. Be careful and remember this text, so as not to leave half salary in the store!

About Marko Mikic

Marko is Master degree Professor of Physical Education and Graduated Organizer of Sports Recreation. Licensed TecnoGym Personal Trainer with international experience, with over 15 years. Instructor, Lifeguard and Coordinator in Life Saving Federation. Former Ski competitor and actual Ski instructor. Conditioning coach for professional athletes. Actual Fitness and Health Writer, Health Advisor, Online Coach and Fitness Specialist. Health and Fitness Consultant and Publisher. Certified Trainer for Kinesitherapy, Sports Diagnostics, Back Pain Prevention, Discovering Physical Faults, Muscle Imbalances, Early Diagnosis of Injuries, Assessment of Physical Skills and Tests, Functional Training and Cross Fit. Personal Trainer and Freelance Photographer.

Posted on February 3, 2016, in ENGLISH, HEALTH, NUTRITION and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. This is really going to help me. Thank you.
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    You can go through this website and you will get many useful dietary supplements.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for sharing this, now I have an idea what supplements to use, and also I’m using . Good day!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What supplements are you taking for now? And what’s the most effective?


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