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I guess you don’t think a lot about some things that you’re doing when you’re young, everything is fast and easy. My generation who has gained thirties, the more and more complains about their weight and a lack of energy. The facts that are explaining does the metabolism truly slows down, why does it and how you can keep your body in shape, will be faced in this text.

After you make a step into the thirties, or earlier in some cases, your lifestyle is starting to change. For example: marriage, kids, job, obligations, success and there is a lack of free time for yourself. Research showed that average metabolism or the calories burned in a day decreases for 1% each year by the time you turn 30. If you keep on having the same amount of food as you did in your twenties, your body wouldn’t be able to burn the quantity of calories, which results in extra pounds. This especially relates to athletes whose careers ended and they keep on having the same food portions, but the metabolism is noticeably slower due to changes in activity.

Slower metabolism affects on hormonal balance in your body, too. The more your body fat is elevated, the harder is for your body to control leptin and cortisol that are close related with your weight. Leptin controls appetite and cortisol controls regulation of carbohydrates and their conversion to mass units.

Some scientist and doctors are representing the theory that only lifestyle and lack of activity cause slower metabolism, they also claim that it’s only about activity, not the ages, that people aren’t as much active as they used to be.

The only habits that keeping up your metabolism like you’re still 20, are: healthy nutrition, exercising and drinking a plenty of water. There is also a recommendation to reduce ingredients such as sugar, gluten, dairy products and cereals. Experts claim that people by the time they are 30 need to drink filtered water instead of bottled water, to eat organic food and healthy meat. Let your breakfast be healthy, your food non-greasy and portions of vegetable and fiber bigger. Eat moderate, eat more of food with no high acidity such as red meat, alcohol and sugar. One glass of wine is enough after dinner.

As regards to exercising, three times a week without great effort is quite enough. Light cardio, a walk, swimming, running, climbing, rowing… basic exercise at home or in the park.


I think there is a lot of misconceptions about what is alcohol affect on human body, weight, and obesity. Is it true or is a misconception that alcohol is fattening, we will try to clarify in the following text.

The general formula for the alcohol is R-OH. Out of all the alcohol in the alcoholic beverages is ethyl alcohol or ethanol. Prepared fermentation of fruits and cereals that contain sugar.


Alcohol as alcohol it self can not be stored in fat, that mean calories from alcohol can not be converted into fat. But alcohol has a significant impact on our metabolism and thus indirectly on spending our calories and speed of metabolism. It decreases the secretion of the hormone testosterone and growth hormone significantly affect the rate of metabolism and the growth of muscle tissue. For example, a study conducted by the TNO Institute for Food and Nutrition, had 10 subjects who drank 30-40 grams of alcohol a day (2-3 beers or wine 10-15 grams). After 3 weeks, their testosterone levels decreased by approximately 7%. University of Helsinki conducted a similar study, they were given to respondents 1.5 g ethanol per kg of body weight in 10 healthy men aged 20-26 years, and found that their testosterone levels decreased by 23% on average between 10th and 16th hours after they started drinking. In addition, the level of cortisol (stress hormone) was increased by 36% on average, so the growth hormone significantly reduced started to light.

There are good effects of moderate alcohol consumption. Moderate consumption of beer (3 to 6 dl / day) stimulates the immune system and reduces the fat in the blood. Three to four cups of beer decreased levels of C-reactive protein (linked to inflammation and with various diseases of the heart), which tells us about anti inflammation action and partly explains the association between moderate alcohol consumption and reduced heart problems. Since ancient times, stories about the benefits of 1 to 2 glasses of red wine. Nutrients in wine are also beneficial for the heart because it reduces stress, whereas alcohol dilates blood vessels.


The bad effects of excessive alcohol consumption are: Encourages dehydration. Alcoholic drinks are diuretics that encourage us to urinate. Going out and drinking until the late hours making lower levels of important hormones in the blood. These hormones are secreted in a deep sleep, mostly during the night. After one drunk is necessary 24h to testosterone levels return to normal. Alcoholic drinks are oversaturated in sugars. This can result in a disorder of blood sugar levels. After alcohol consumption leads to faster muscle fatigue. After drunkenness in our muscles remains a greater amount of lactic acid than usual and therefore our body needs less time to be tired. Possible are the same, muscle aches and cramps. Hinders absorption of vitamins and minerals. Through urination usually out just useful vitamins and minerals we need to function normally. Increases the risk of injury. In the same way, extended recovery time. Reduces stamina. Organism for the production of energy required sugar in the bloodstream. The sugar is produced by the liver, into the blood stream releasing glucose. Alcohol lowers the body’s ability to produce this sugar (glucose), which is why people have less energy and are less durable. Hinders the production of glycogen. Glycogen is produced in the liver, which also breaks down alcohol, so it is very easy to conclude that alcohol consumption burden on the liver and thus reduces and slows the production of glycogen necessary for intensive muscle work.


Why is it important to know what is the basal metabolism, what his value is for men and women, how you can calculate, and other useful information you will find below.

Basal metabolism calculates the minimum amount of energy needed to maintain basic life functions. This is what your organs expended in standby mode, or the energy that you need to sustain life. The liver is the largest consumer of energy in the rest (about 27%), and brain (19%), muscle (18%), heart (7%), lung (9%) and kidneys (10%). Expressed in calories, the average rate basal metabolic rate for adult men is about 1500 to 2000 kcal / day, and for women from 1200 to 1600 kcal / day. The reason for the difference lies in the smaller internal organs of women and less of muscle tissue (less total cell mass).

Your MBR you can calculate by the simplest formula: body weight (kg) x 20 kcal, for example. 80 kg x 20 kcal = 1600 kcal

Dominant factors affecting basal metabolism of the body size, age and gender. Besides the food intake affects the basal metabolic rate – starvation reduces basal metabolism by acting as a defense mechanism that the body defends and saves energy.


Physical activity also changes the value of the basal metabolic rate – after completion of the physical activity we can see an increase in metabolic rate. It was observed that after long activities (80 to 180 minutes) of moderate intensity comes to long-term increase in metabolism at rest that lasts 24 to 48 hours after training. It is well known that the metabolism at rest increased by 200 kcal / day in people who are regularly physically active compared to sedentary individuals.

If you know how much is your basal metabolism and you know that an average workout in the gym spend from 200 to 500 calories (depending on the duration and intensity of training), then you know to your daily calorie intake customize your order. If you intend to lose weight, calorie intake must be less than your total daily consumption (basal metabolism plus activity). Ideally, this deficit is about 500 kcal. Conversely, if you want to weight, eat 500 calories more than what your daily spending.


We often have opportunity to see, in restaurants and cafés, bowls of water served with various vegetables and fruits. In this article we will explain what is a detox water, what properties it has, and what the best ingredients it contains.


Whether you’re trying to lose weight or just want to look and feel healthier, one of the best ways to free your body of harmful toxins is to drink water. Only 6 to 8 glasses a day will help you stay hydrated and keep the vital organs in their best possible health. Detox water speeds up metabolism and only in this capacity effective in removing fat and excess weight (by itself does not come off the pounds that we have the opportunity to read or hear).

There are several foods that you can add to your water that will not only improve the taste of water, it will also help in the preservation of health. Detox water has become very popular and there are many different recipes that you can use. These waters contain ingredients like lemon, which helps flush out harmful toxins from your body, the mint that helps in digestion, cucumber, which contains anti-inflammatory properties of ginger which is a natural remedy pain and helps digestion. Some water can contain melon, raspberry, and other ingredients that are both healthy and useful for the organism.

Detox water to accelerate the metabolism. Cucumbers are diuretics that can help you avoid water retention in the body. Lemon and lime will help to remove toxins from your digestive tract and grapefruit will help you speed up your metabolism and burn fat faster. Add 2l spring water, ½ medium grapefruit (chopped), ½ cucumber (chopped), add chopped ½ lemon and a few mint leaves. Leave for at refrigerate several hours before serving and drink at least ½ liters a day for optimal results.

Fruit detox water. Includes strawberries and kiwi and it is a perfect summer drink. 2 liters of water, a few strawberries and a few sliced ​​kiwi. Allow the recovery period of several hours in the refrigerator. Kiwi contains vitamin A and E, which will help you to get rid of free radicals and also helps to wash the toxins out of your colon. The berries are great for your skin, contain anti-aging properties and help fight carcinogens.

Apples and cinnamon detox water. Except it does not contain calories, this water also helps to boost your metabolism. It adds chopped apples and cinnamon sticks in quantities as desired. Served with ice cubes.

The New Year detox water. You need a gallon of spring water and a few raspberries, along with chopped grapefruit, cucumber, pears and a couple of fresh mint. You can also add lemon, blueberries and cranberries, if desired. Just add all ingredients in a pitcher and let it sit for so few hours so that the flavors combine. It affects the removal of toxins from the body and accelerate metabolism.

Detox water with strawberries and watermelon. Affects Metabolic and preservation of the skin. It is full of vitamins and anti-inflammatory ingredients. A cup of strawberries, 2 cups watermelon, a few sprigs of fresh rosemary, filtered water and a little salt. Just stir together the berries and rosemary in a bowl, then add them to the bowl of watermelon. Pour the filtered water over it, let it sit for a few hours in the fridge.

Cucumber and lemon water detox. This water is great for strengthening your immunity and cleansing of harmful toxins. Cucumber is an anti-inflammatory and helps you stay hydrated. Appendix mint beautifies drink without added sugar and helps digestion. A couple of slices of lemon, cucumber and a little mint leave it overnight in the fridge.


Aloe Detox water. Did you know that you can add it to your water? When using aloe that can help circulation and digestion, you can increase your energy and eliminate fatigue. You need to share the aloe leaf down to the center and to remove the gel. Mix the gel with a little water and lemon in a blender. All you need is one cup water, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and about 2 tablespoons of aloe gel.



Inflammation of the muscles (muscle soreness) is the result of intensive muscle training load at the start of training period or after a period of reduced work or brake. Acute inflammation of the muscles occurs at the end of the training, while the deferred inflammation develops day or two after training. Muscle inflammation, whether it is an infection of an individual muscle or muscle groups hoped, in fact arise when a particular muscle or muscle group formed by excess secretion of lactic acid.


Lactic acid is a product of metabolism, which occurs due to an insufficient supply of oxygen in muscle tissue. This phenomenon occurs due to strenuous exercise, since blood vessels through which oxygen delivery to muscle tissue, do not achieve to provide and transmit sufficient oxygen. In proportion, it is clear that the inflammation of the muscles stronger and more painful, if in them a greater presence of lactic acid and lactic acid secretion degree, directly depends on the pace of physical activity or exercise and whether the oxygen supply to the tissues is sufficient or not. When intense muscular effort, the pace of creation of lactic acid is much faster than the pace of removal and therefore its concentration in the blood rises.

Accelerating the elimination of lactate from the blood, created during exercise, would have positive effects in terms of faster recovery of the body. The concentration of lactate in the blood decreases rapidly during the recovery phase, if it continues with muscle exertion of lower intensity. Active recovery in the form of moderate physical activity more effectively speeds up the removal of lactate than passive recovery, due to the fact that the dispute is activated muscle fibers that metabolize lactate generated during exercise.

It should take into account the interval workout that can maintain low levels of lactate, to reduce muscle fatigue and increase the quantity of labor. Warming up before and stretching after training are still one of the recommendations. Also, a moderate walk, resulting in the elimination of inflammation, will help and adequate intake of fluids in the body and enhanced intake of magnesium, which acts to prevent the occurrence of spasms and muscle spasm, which often accompany painful inflammation. Sore muscles can heal and cold compress. On painful areas can put some ice or something cold, but always make sure for frostbite.