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Recently, one wise man wrote: people want to lose weight, BUT IF IS POSSIBLE TO NOT EXERCISE AND TO CONTINUE TO EAT THE SAME AMOUNT THE FOOD. THAT THING EXPLAIN A LOT WHEN YOU COPY TO OTHER ASPECTS OF LIFE. Today we have article about the relationship between diet and workout, then what is the role of sacrifice and perseverance, what is the tactics in training, truth, reasons, causes and consequences …

As we have previously reminded the caloric deficit, mean spend more calories than what you entered and thus lose weight. The energy that is consumed must be repaid only in the form of nutrients (protein, carbohydrate, vitamins, minerals) that are consumed and broken down during exercise, so body need to be quickly recovered and the cells restored. Compensating for consumed energy, introduction of calories burned along with the phrase “I was practicing very hard so now I can eat a lot and everything”, you enter more calories that will be not burned, but this only prolongs the period of achieving the target. Most important is, the food need to contains a sufficient percentage of protein and complex hydrates with low values ​​of calories that will compensate the degraded matter, and also to encourage the body uses fat as a result of caloric deficit.

The values ​​of consumed energy range of 1.2 kcal per minute during the rest, to more than 20 kcal per minute during intensive activity. Which means that if you are a beginner and consumes an average of 10 kcal per minute, this is just 600 calories in an hour of training, which is half meal in McD. This shows how little the ratio is of energy consumed in training and the energy input on classical food. Today it is said that the relationship between DIET and WORKOUT as a percentage of 80:20 in favor of nutrition, if we want to reach certain results. The data and experience tells us that, professional athletes in body fitness or bikini models, to achieve the desired figure, in the final preparations they have only 3 sessions per week, and the rest is food and tactics when and what nutrients should be consumed.

Exercise is very helpful in terms of speeding up metabolism, blood circulation, healthy airways, vitality, tight muscles and healthy ligaments, joints and bones. These are the benefits of exercise, which will be given to the regulation of feeding results.

The determination and compliance advice and guidance to give by trainers, is the most important thing for certain success. Period for achieving results can be very short if you are focused on the target, otherwise, in violation of the rules, only dispose of success, to whom might never come. It depends on you!



Under pressure from industry and pharmaco onslaught of the latest and supposedly best products, we are often in a dilemma whether we need to strengthen some of its food supplements that are offered to us. Clients often ask a questions, should they need to take supplement and which one. In this article we will deal with supplementation for recreational athletes and fitness enthusiasts, and their replacement through diet.


The most frequently mentioned supplements are: protein, creatine, L-carnitine, caffeine, glutamine, leucine, calcium, coenzyme Q10, iron, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil), vitamins (A, B1, B2, B5, B12, C, D, E, K), zinc …

We will describe their role individually and through the replacement foods:

Protein or whey is obtained by conversion of the milk into cheese. Whey proteins have the highest bioavailability (most effectively come to the parts of the body where they are needed). The amino acid composition of whey proteins is the most valuable in the sense that contain the highest branched chain amino acid (BCAA), as well as all of the essential amino acids. Whey is the richest source of BCAA (vitamins) that are metabolized in the muscle, and the most important in periods of training, but also in the recovery period. 3 x 55 g scoops = 9 chicken legs.

Creatine is a substance naturally produced by our body. The body produces about 2 g of creatine per day. The role is to promote the restoration of ATP (the main energy for working muscles), which means that his taking a prolonged time work. Creatine has in the red meat and fish.

L-carnitine is the best known role in the transfer of fatty acids across the cell membrane to the mitochondria where the fatty acid burning and used as an energy source. L-Carnitine helps to turn fat into energy. L-carnitine in the body is present in sufficient quantities, and entered into the body through food of animal origin.

Caffeine we have more processed in a given link CAFFEINE . 5 x 200 g in tablets = 13 espressos.

Glutamine is a nonessential amino acid, meaning that it is an organism capable of its own. Plays an important role in the metabolism, in the production of ammonia in the kidneys, the reproduction of glucose by the liver. 6 x 500 g in tablets = 88 raw leaves of spinach

Calcium by far is the most important role is in building bones (firmness) and teeth, especially in the course of growing up. Bone strength is very important in strength training and high muscle mass. 3 x 500 g tablets = 2.2 liters of milk

Omega-3 fatty acids must be supplied in the diet, because they are not producing organism. They are a major component of cell membranes, are essential for cell regeneration and reproduction, and hormones, which trigger all functions in the body, can not be produced without them. The richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids include fish, especially in cold seas and flaxseed oil.

Magnesium heart problems, headaches, high blood pressure, allergies, muscle tension, diabetes – all of these diseases are associated with a lack of magnesium. 1 x 250 mg in tablets = 32 raw of leaves spinach.

Iron is also an important part of the hemoglobin molecules which is located in red blood cells. In fact, if there is no iron, the bone marrow can not produce this, for the life of a very important substance, which carry oxygen to the farthest parts of the body. 1 x 15 g in the tablets = 3 blocks of Tofu (soy cheese).

Zinc is essential for maintaining a strong immune system, the body and stimulates the creation of white blood cells in the bone marrow. Eggs, Seafood, Crabs.

CoQ10 participates in the creation of energy in every cell of our body. It acts as a catalyst in the process of converting food into energy, which occurs in the mitochondria of cells. Lack of coenzyme Q10 can contribute poor diet, stress, infections, chronic disease, and certain medicines. 3 x 30 mg capsules = 100 grain berries.

Vitamins: A carrot, B1 lettuce, B2 Mushrooms, B5 Avocado, B12 Salmon, C (cabbage, pomegranate, pepper, lemon), D Shells, E Kivi, K Cabbage.

Ensure that the classical food satisfy all the daily required amounts of the respective supplements. If you need to complement the nutrition supplementation, which is sold in stores in the form of pills, ampoules, powder, consult your trainer or some expert. Be careful and remember this text, so as not to leave half salary in the store!


In today’s world it is a lot argued what is the role of testosterone, how to increase T level in the body, what is the healthy ways to do this. The survey found that people due to lifestyle and diet have a reduced secretion of this hormone, which has a very important function on our body. In the following, we will give some helpful information and answer some questions.


Today, the research found that the Japanese age of 100 years had higher levels of testosterone than Americans age of 30 years. With reduced level this hormone leads to chronic fatigue, reduce male libido, lose muscle mass, increase percentage of body fat, decreased bone mass, hair loss, low volume of semen, mood swings. The level of testosterone decreases with age, and over 40% of men, over 45 age, are the group at risk for this problem.


Natural ways to increase T hormone is:

Ejecting dietary sugar. The average American takes 12 teaspoons of sugar a day, and sugar directly reduces the level of T hormone secretion. When you eat foods rich in processed grains and sugar, your blood glucose level becomes elevated. To keep blood sugar levels, the pancreas begins to work overtime to produce insulin, which helps the flow of sugar from the bloodstream into the cells, in order to metabolized for energy. Finally, if your cells are exposed to insulin for a long time, you develop insulin resistance, which causes the occurrence of type II diabetes. Diabetes develops when your body is unable to produce enough testosterone.

Good quality sleep. According to scientific research long enough and timely sleep are the two most important ways to raise the level of T hormone in the blood. Sufficient sleep is 7 hours is recommended, also to be already at 22h going to bed, because sleep quality is the best from 22h to 2h in the morning. Level of the hormone cortisol, which reduces the level of secretion of the hormone T, is placed in the normal frame.

Reduce the level of fat in the body. Weight loss has a predictable and linear relationship with increasing testosterone naturally. When you take into consideration the effect that insulin resistance and poor sleep habits have on testosterone, this makes sense because they are all closely linked to obesity. At the core of this problem is the discharge of processed sugar from the diet, which is associated with insomnia, overweight, diabetes and other negative impacts on the secretion of hormones.

Stress reduction. The problem is when you are chronically stressed, and your body remains stuck in the condition in which the pumping out cortisol (the hormone stress) constantly.

Interval training with a combination of weight training. If you want to naturally increase testosterone and growth hormone, then combine weights with HIIT training (high intensity interval training). Lifting weights 6-12 reps, including large muscle groups will help your body to build more muscle mass. More muscle causes your body to produce more growth hormone. Despite the lifting, interval training with a combination is best for the overall increase growth hormone. It also maintains the level of T hormone. Interval method involves exercise of 90% to 100% of your maximum for short periods, in order to combust stored sugar (glycogen). This helps your body to burn fat in the next 36 hours and replace vital energy stores in your body. In addition to increasing the level of T helps in: lowering heart rate, lower blood pressure, accelerate blood circulation, detoxification by stimulating the lymphatic system.

Increasing the level of T hormone with using protein and healthy fats. Recent studies reveal that high branched chain amino acids (BCAA) significantly increases the level of T hormone and falling hormone cortisol. Recharging can be done in the form of protein shakes or simply increased protein diet (chicken, fish, eggs).

Sunbathing and Vitamin D. Studies show that Vitamin D increases levels of testosterone naturally, in obese men and up to 30%. This is interesting because research shows that vitamin D3 also linked to the prevention and treatment of cancer. Two of the best ways to optimize your vitamin D levels in helping and strengthening the secretion of testosterone are 20 minutes each day sun exposure. This is best done in the morning or afternoon, with exposure to 40% of the parts of the whole body.



And if I’m not an advocate of large muscle mass and excessive muscle today we moved the best way through the food that needs to be applied to increase muscle mass. Increased muscle mass in both recreational, athletes or beginners have a very positive thing. First of all the body and muscle burns calories faster, which speeds up the metabolism of the whole body (the faster you will melt body fat and weight), the other aesthetic looks very nice, and the third might be the most important helps your body in proper posture and gives it vitality and strength. It is not easy to build big muscles so who say i will overbuild my muscle it is wrong. Some facts and suggestions in the text might sound beyond the usual advice, but will be explained why you should applied. This will be useful to anyone who needs to put on quality weight.

So lets start…


The first part means that you need to eat a lot, but the right kind of food, distributed over more meals a day, total you should enter two grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. You will need a lot of carbohydrates to encourage the desire to exercise and ability to recover after a hard workout at the gym. Then you should plan your diet so devise that it contains the very best food for building muscle mass. Now I will introduce to you foods that your nutritional program should include as much as possible.

BEEF. Many mistaken discarded fat from food, thinking that it will increase the level of fat in the body. But with Omega-3 fatty acids in fish, saturated fat in beef actually stimulate growth. Too little saturated fat in the diet does not promote the growth of testosterone and insuluna. Beef is also a source of cholesterol, the main ingredient that helps the body to produce its own testosterone. Beef is also classified as good sources of creatine, B vitamins and zinc. The best options are low fat beef parts

EGGS. There are different ways in which nutritionists treat food on its ability to stimulate growth. Eggs are at the top of almost every list since it is extremely easy absorb- body can very quickly to explain this food into amino acids. Eggs are also rich in healthy fats, saturated fats and lecithin, they help the body to develop muscle mass.Try to avoid the yolk but do not totally excluded from the diet.

SALMON. 100 grams of salmon contains 20 grams of protein, which is equally important, 2.5 g of omega-3 fatty acids, those healthy fats that reduce inflammation of the muscle to stimulate its reconstruction and help in controlling cortisol (as cortisol decreases, the level of testosterone per rule growing, stimulate muscle growth). A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids also helps that most of the glucose you eat is transported to the muscles rather than deposited as fat.

APPLE JUICE. Extreme exercise in the gym break down muscle. However, the beneficial effects are manifested only later, when the body regenerates and becomes larger than before. Apple juice drunk before training the body supplied with carbohydrates and quickly gives him the necessary energy (for glucose), which is also of long duration (due to fructose). This hampers the creation of cortisol thus decreasing the harmful effects on the muscle fibers.

BUTTERMILK. If you are trying to put on weight, do not drink skim milk or one with low fat. These types are for those on a diet. Around half a liter of whole milk contains 16 grams of protein and 16 g fat. The fat in milk is usually composed of short chains than is the case with fats that are found in other foods. Such fats are slightly anabolic, helping to prevent muscle breakdown, and they are rarely deposited as fat in the body. The fat in milk also help the body absorb vitamin D, which has recently been discovered that reduces the risk of cancers.

WHITE BREAD. You probably know that you should avoid refined carbohydrates because they have less fiber and healthy nutrients, and also raise insulin levels. But white bread is one of the perfect choice of food immediately after completion of the training. Then you need carbohydrates that are rapidly digested to reimbursement level of glycogen in the muscles and stimulated insulin levels in order to achieve muscle growth and to reduce the production of cortisol after training. Two pieces of bread retain 25g carbs are digested very quickly after training.

PASTA. Building muscle requires a lot of carbohydrates as fuel. What is more important is that carbohydrates radically alter protein metabolism by increasing the efficiency with which ingested protein gets into the muscle and stimulate growth. Without carbohydrates you consume protein that does not perform quite as efficiently its job when it comes to stimulating growth. One cup of cooked pasta in the form contains about 45 grams of carbohydrate.

GARLIC. Garlic can dramatically alter the hormones in your body. Growth is associated with the consumption of real macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein and fat) at the right time of day. But it is also associated with adequate hormonal environment that stimulates growth. Animal studies have shown that garlic in combination with large amounts of protein increases testosterone levels and prevents the degradation of muscle. At the micro level, it is the very definition of the ideal anabolic situation.

YOGURT. Natural yogurt, obtained either from whole milk was than with low fat, falls into a healthy diet. It is best to opt for yogurt that contains active cultures of “good bacteria”. But on the label, do not search on the word bacteria. Instead, look for Lactobacillius acidophilus, L. casei, L. reuteri and Bifidobacterium bifidum. These probiotic bacteria pass through the stomach to red tract where help the body maintain a healthy balance of bacteria that live there. These good bacteria strengthen the immune system which helps in the process of recovery and reduces the formation of agents responsible for inflammation, while increasing the absorption of nutrients. Another very useful ingredient in yogurt is calcium, which controls muscle contraction and can significantly reduce the deposition of fat.

OLIVE OIL. This oil control inflammation in the body, generally associated with better recovery. Olive oil also supports testosterone and, like any other source of fat, calories are what help the body to remain in an anabolic state. Olive oil is also rich and healthy fats.


This text was written on the basis of many years of research and experience, the parts that are scientifically proven and parts taken from many years of experience and top sportsmen and fans of muscles and muscle mass. I think the allegation is substantiated by sufficient evidence and knowledge so that you can start using. And most importantly, everything is natural and without anabolic steroids.

PROTEIN AND FAT – relationship

The relationship between protein and fat

Probably everybody think that protein is building block of muscle tissue and fat building block fat, but proteins can act as grease under certain physiological conditions. The primary role of the protein is to provide the building blocks, or amino acid that is synthesized by the structural and functional proteins in the body. However, the amino acid from the muscle can also be converted into molecules to be used for energy if you are undereating. In contrast, the introduction of excess calories will cause that the additional amino acids are converted into the fat molecules.

Excessive amounts of protein can be converted into fat, especially if you eat too many calories. 2012T study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that people who eat more than 1,000 calories per day than allowed, received a similar amount of body fat regardless of how much protein they enter.

Does protein drinks melt fat?

Protein drinks products companies can claim that their products melt fat, but there is no food that can selectively reduce fat in the body. Protein drinks can help to stabilize blood sugar levels, which will prevent overeating later in the day. Drink protein can be a convenient way to restore depleted nutrients. However, the protein shake must be part of a child and ways of practicing for causing loss of body fat.

Can protein take the place of carbohydrates and fats in your body?

Protein is essential for building and renewal of cells and tissues. However, carbohydrates and fats have features which protein can not be replaced. Protein is the most inefficient source of energy in comparison with carbohydrates and fats. The process for enzyme activity requires energy, which could be danger if only source of energy is from protein. Fats are also essential for the creation and release of certain hormones.

Can I continue to lose body fat by taking Whey protein?

Whey proteins, made from the process of conversion from cow’s milk to cheese,is a popular protein supplement, because it is one of the most efficiently absorbed forms of protein. Whey protein will not impair your ability to lose fat as long as you do not eat more calories than your body needs. Whey Protein Isolate is the 100% whey protein and having less calories per gram then concentrated whey protein, which has a carbohydrate and fat along with the protein. Isolate is a better option if you’re trying to lose weight.

Relationship between building muscle and losing fat

If you want to build muscle and lose fat it will be much more effective if you go to completely take the time to increase muscle mass than fat-burning period. The period which you will be able to make it happen is approximately 3 months to increase muscle mass and 3 months for a child to lose fat or shorter time for both periods but must be the same length of time, it all depends on personal preferences, how much muscle you want to gain and fat to lose.