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I guess you don’t think a lot about some things that you’re doing when you’re young, everything is fast and easy. My generation who has gained thirties, the more and more complains about their weight and a lack of energy. The facts that are explaining does the metabolism truly slows down, why does it and how you can keep your body in shape, will be faced in this text.

After you make a step into the thirties, or earlier in some cases, your lifestyle is starting to change. For example: marriage, kids, job, obligations, success and there is a lack of free time for yourself. Research showed that average metabolism or the calories burned in a day decreases for 1% each year by the time you turn 30. If you keep on having the same amount of food as you did in your twenties, your body wouldn’t be able to burn the quantity of calories, which results in extra pounds. This especially relates to athletes whose careers ended and they keep on having the same food portions, but the metabolism is noticeably slower due to changes in activity.

Slower metabolism affects on hormonal balance in your body, too. The more your body fat is elevated, the harder is for your body to control leptin and cortisol that are close related with your weight. Leptin controls appetite and cortisol controls regulation of carbohydrates and their conversion to mass units.

Some scientist and doctors are representing the theory that only lifestyle and lack of activity cause slower metabolism, they also claim that it’s only about activity, not the ages, that people aren’t as much active as they used to be.

The only habits that keeping up your metabolism like you’re still 20, are: healthy nutrition, exercising and drinking a plenty of water. There is also a recommendation to reduce ingredients such as sugar, gluten, dairy products and cereals. Experts claim that people by the time they are 30 need to drink filtered water instead of bottled water, to eat organic food and healthy meat. Let your breakfast be healthy, your food non-greasy and portions of vegetable and fiber bigger. Eat moderate, eat more of food with no high acidity such as red meat, alcohol and sugar. One glass of wine is enough after dinner.

As regards to exercising, three times a week without great effort is quite enough. Light cardio, a walk, swimming, running, climbing, rowing… basic exercise at home or in the park.


Festive atmosphere, celebration, positive energy and holidays, is usual for this period of the year. We will be tempted to consume a little more alcohol, candy and foods that contain a high percentage of simple sugars. Let’s experiment with your organism. After passing the holidays and the period of overeating and drinking, we reject the use of alcohol and simple sugars for a month. The effect that this kind of fasting will have on your body will be described herein.

Start and first few days or weeks will be much shocking for your body. The most important thing is to stay strong character and adhere to the task in the next month. Here’s a story I heard a few days ago, I had something to do with this: It started a few frogs to come up on some top … first gave up because her feet hurt, other began to catch cramps, third is dehydrated, fourth complains of pain, and so on … remain the last two frogs near to the top, and first the second frog says, you see that they are all given up, even I can no longer, because of inflammation, cramps and also no matter what I’m up … the latter on second frog still continues itself, and reach that conquer the peak. The frog who arrived to the finish was deaf.

Meanings and consequences caused by alcohol and sugar

Due to the introduction, blood sugar soaring, then rapidly decreases, and you get the need for a new batch. There is no end and thus accumulating calories. A total exclusion of complex sugars from the diet, losses calories, that will not bring calories are converted into fat, and you will lose kg. Alcohol is full of sugar and calories, so you drink more and more. The same effect as that of sugar. Restriction of alcohol lose calories, weight and make you lean. Sugar and therefore alcohol is difficult to digest. Their restriction, the body and digestive system becomes more functional and faster. The metabolism becomes more accelerated, increases the calorie consumption and fast food is absorbed and processed. Energy. Before we lose and decrease our energy compensating energy drinks or chocolates, it is wrong, because the level of sugar is growing rapidly and then declines sharply, energy recovery is instantaneous and there is no long-term effects. Research shows that after a few drinks of alcohol suddenly increases appetite, a person can eat up to 30% more food than if they did not consume alcohol. The feeling of satiety is harder achieved, that hunger is increasing. Alcohol is a diuretic, and as a result of its consumption leads to frequent the toilet, urinating. Due to the loss of fluid in the body, comes to drying your skin especially on the face. Pause in alcohol consumption will refresh your face and skin a better complexion.

Over time, the desire for alcohol and sugar lost, you will not have attacks for sweets, and run to the store to buy a candy bar. Withstand the month, the benefits are guaranteed. Be amazed at the results, and try to continue with this diet. It stumbled your way and style of life. The most important thing is to stay consistent, because every beginning is difficult like this one.


I think there is a lot of misconceptions about what is alcohol affect on human body, weight, and obesity. Is it true or is a misconception that alcohol is fattening, we will try to clarify in the following text.

The general formula for the alcohol is R-OH. Out of all the alcohol in the alcoholic beverages is ethyl alcohol or ethanol. Prepared fermentation of fruits and cereals that contain sugar.


Alcohol as alcohol it self can not be stored in fat, that mean calories from alcohol can not be converted into fat. But alcohol has a significant impact on our metabolism and thus indirectly on spending our calories and speed of metabolism. It decreases the secretion of the hormone testosterone and growth hormone significantly affect the rate of metabolism and the growth of muscle tissue. For example, a study conducted by the TNO Institute for Food and Nutrition, had 10 subjects who drank 30-40 grams of alcohol a day (2-3 beers or wine 10-15 grams). After 3 weeks, their testosterone levels decreased by approximately 7%. University of Helsinki conducted a similar study, they were given to respondents 1.5 g ethanol per kg of body weight in 10 healthy men aged 20-26 years, and found that their testosterone levels decreased by 23% on average between 10th and 16th hours after they started drinking. In addition, the level of cortisol (stress hormone) was increased by 36% on average, so the growth hormone significantly reduced started to light.

There are good effects of moderate alcohol consumption. Moderate consumption of beer (3 to 6 dl / day) stimulates the immune system and reduces the fat in the blood. Three to four cups of beer decreased levels of C-reactive protein (linked to inflammation and with various diseases of the heart), which tells us about anti inflammation action and partly explains the association between moderate alcohol consumption and reduced heart problems. Since ancient times, stories about the benefits of 1 to 2 glasses of red wine. Nutrients in wine are also beneficial for the heart because it reduces stress, whereas alcohol dilates blood vessels.


The bad effects of excessive alcohol consumption are: Encourages dehydration. Alcoholic drinks are diuretics that encourage us to urinate. Going out and drinking until the late hours making lower levels of important hormones in the blood. These hormones are secreted in a deep sleep, mostly during the night. After one drunk is necessary 24h to testosterone levels return to normal. Alcoholic drinks are oversaturated in sugars. This can result in a disorder of blood sugar levels. After alcohol consumption leads to faster muscle fatigue. After drunkenness in our muscles remains a greater amount of lactic acid than usual and therefore our body needs less time to be tired. Possible are the same, muscle aches and cramps. Hinders absorption of vitamins and minerals. Through urination usually out just useful vitamins and minerals we need to function normally. Increases the risk of injury. In the same way, extended recovery time. Reduces stamina. Organism for the production of energy required sugar in the bloodstream. The sugar is produced by the liver, into the blood stream releasing glucose. Alcohol lowers the body’s ability to produce this sugar (glucose), which is why people have less energy and are less durable. Hinders the production of glycogen. Glycogen is produced in the liver, which also breaks down alcohol, so it is very easy to conclude that alcohol consumption burden on the liver and thus reduces and slows the production of glycogen necessary for intensive muscle work.

GLYCEMIC INDEX – blood sugar level

What is glycemic index?

The glycemic index (GI) is a number associated with a particular type of food that indicates the food’s effect on a person’s blood glucose (also called blood sugar) level. Carbohydrates with a low glycemic index increasing sugar in the blood slower, high glycemic index increasing sugar in the blood faster. As is sugar in foods is simpler (glucose, sucrose), rising level of sugar in blood is faster. Fructose (fruit sugar), although it is a simple carbohydrate, but rising level is slower. Complex carbohydrates, such as starch from cereals and potatoes, must first be separated to simpler sugars, and then pass into the bloodstream. This process takes place in the digestive tract and liver and depends on the: type of sugar, cooking food and dietary fiber (quantity) in the diet.

Foods with a low GI are slowly digested and long stays in the small intestine, hours after ingestion. Good sides are slow and continuous release of glucose that occurs during the performance of physical activity. For foods with a low GI sugar level in the blood is held stable while eating foods with a high GI will free glucose too quickly, which results in a tremendous increase in blood sugar.



Diabetics should avoid concentrated sugars (honey, juices, white sugar, sweets stored with sugar, cakes, muffins), because glycemic index of glucose is 100, white sugar index is 68. If your body need sugar replace with fruit, fruit has index 23.

The quantity of fruit a day that you enter , not only determine the glycemic (sweet index), also determine the amount of dietary fiber, vitamin and mineral composition, the amount of water fruit acids and total caloric impact of certain types of fruit. Legumes (beans, peas, beans) have a large glycemic and caloric effect, but they should eat, because it is healthy food and this food is rich with dietary fiber.

Learn compositions of foods, their caloric value, glycemic index and amount of dietary fiber. At first it may be difficult, but once you get the hang yourself it will be surprised success and ease way to control your blood sugar. With increasing intake of sugar and food with a high GI your body will need more frequent intake of sugar, so it is important to bring groceries with low GI so you will be full after meal, do not need more food and also you will not increased your body weight.


Fats are primarily energy matter which is entered through diet using foods of plant and animal origin. They are the bearers of vitamins A, D, E and K, are also constitutive role because constitute 2% of each cell. Fat with sugar constitute the cheapest source of energy, because 1g fat is burning 9 kcal (twice the amount of protein and carbohydrates).


Fatty acids can be classified as saturated and unsaturated.

The first type are saturated fats, which are mainly found in meat, eggs, dairy products, including butter, cheese … much better and healthier type of diet are unsaturated fats. These are healthy fats and are divided into two groups: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated.

Monounsaturated fats are found in olive oil, walnuts, canola oil …

Polyunsaturated fats are found in some vegetable oils and fish oil. These are:

a) Omega 6 linoleic acid. The role of the LOOK of the proper growth of the organism, has them in sunflower, corn and sesame oil.

b) Omega 3 linoleic acid. The role is reflected in the structure and function of cell membranes. There is oil from flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, and fish oil: salmon, tuna, sardines, herring, mackerel. It can not be created in the body, but must be entered by food. A derivative of omega-3 plays an important role in brain development and function of vision.
Omega 3 fats are especially important because it raises levels of good HDL cholesterol and reduce levels of bad LDL, and are also important for brain development. Act favorably on the health of the heart and blood vessels, and intake of fish two to four times a week and regular use of olive oil contribute to reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

It is recommended that the ratio of saturated and unsaturated fats in the diet is 10: 30%

Fat containing phosphorus called phospholipids. They are added to foods as an additive, usually in margarine, chocolate, frozen sweets. Since cholesterol is the most important that are more than 90% located in the membrane of cells and is required for synthesis of vitamin D in the skin, and then to the synthesis of certain hormones (estrogen and testosterone). Drugs such as steroids anabolics belong to the group of sterols (used in sports to increase muscle mass and strength but they are very dangerous because it can damage the liver).

The overall fat intake should cover less than 30% of daily energy needs. The origin should be primarily from grains, fruits and vegetables, which are rich in fiber and micronutrients. A person with abnormal lipid whose cholesterol levels remain increased must apply the reduction of daily fat intake to only 20% and 7% saturated.