SUPPLEMENTS – what to take, what to skip

A frequently asked question is what customers should take for weight loss, muscle mass, recovery… in order to progress in training process. Most in fact seeking a shortcut to success through “adequate” supplementation. We will try to explain this phenomenon through the upcoming text.

We shall pay more attention to recreation and people who do not have much experience with training, nutrition and supplementation, and they who would have to devote a little more intense physical activity. We assume that those who are a little longer in fitness industry, know the effects of this supplement on the human body and how they should be consumed.

Pharma industry, which includes the production of supplements for a training, course aimed to sell more products. So than when you walk into a store that sells supplements, you do not know what to look before you buy something, and a majority of them is effectively moot. There are very few things that actually do have effects. A lot of nutrients such as L-Carnitine ( “increases energy and accelerates the burning fat”) body produced in sufficient quantities – how much can you use it, the body is saturated with carnitine and automatically eliminate excess, so you extra entry will not help in achieving results. The same things is with Fat Burners, which are the most commonly asked question. Most of them contain a large dose of caffeine or ephedrine that can cause unwanted effects and special effects on the heart. A large number of products have a negative effect on the liver, especially for beginners in which body has not created a strong defensive position on the introduction of new nutrients in large quantities.

Supplementation for recovering the body, especially the muscles after intense training certainly makes sense, as prevention of catabolism, degradation of muscle fibers, regeneration and recovery of the same. This includes Proteins that we have in different flavors and shapes. Glutamine (amino acid that is used for binding proteins in the muscles and prevent catabolism), BCAA (essential amino acids), Omega 3 fatty acids (reducing bad cholesterol levels) … fall into a desirable form of additional and adequate supplementation for more effective training. For beginners and amateurs the best option is to use a high-quality diet or a diet your body recover from training, prepare the body for the next or decrease the weight and bring his line to perfection. There is a various natural sources of vitamins, minerals, protein, caffeine…

Think with your head, find out the right places with the right experts, develop a plan and program of activities and diet, and be persistent in achieving goals. Remember everything takes time and patience, and that every shortcut has negative consequences.

About Marko Mikic

Marko is Master degree Professor of Physical Education and Graduated Organizer of Sports Recreation. Licensed TecnoGym Personal Trainer with international experience, with over 15 years. Instructor, Lifeguard and Coordinator in Life Saving Federation. Former Ski competitor and actual Ski instructor. Conditioning coach for professional athletes. Actual Fitness and Health Writer, Health Advisor, Online Coach and Fitness Specialist. Health and Fitness Consultant and Publisher. Certified Trainer for Kinesitherapy, Sports Diagnostics, Back Pain Prevention, Discovering Physical Faults, Muscle Imbalances, Early Diagnosis of Injuries, Assessment of Physical Skills and Tests, Functional Training and Cross Fit. Personal Trainer and Freelance Photographer.

Posted on January 23, 2017, in ENGLISH, FITNESS, NUTRITION and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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